£5 off Shiatsu and Ayurvedic Massage with Trish Dent during January 2019

Enjoy £5 off Shiatsu and Ayurvedic Massage with Trish Dent during January 2019   Shiatsu is a great de-stresser and general health tonic. It ‘re-balances’ the body, improving overall well-being and may resolve many chronic problems, including back pain, digestive and menstrual problems, headaches and other painful conditions.I work with your body during a Shiatsu …

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Needing a better nights sleep? Here is Tip number 10/16!

A good nights sleep is as important as regular exercise and healthy eating. Poor sleep has negative effects on the body’s hormone release and metabolism, brain function, energy levels, physical performance and tissue repair. In fact in recent decades sleep quality and quantity has declined.   1.Increase sunlight or bright light exposure during the day: …

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Early Morning Pain

Frequently clients ask me why they wake with pain in the early hours of the morning.  There can be a number of reasons, however if the pain is related to biomechanical issues like an injury or postural overloading, then it is often an indicator that inflammation is at work.  Simply inflammation is specialised chemicals from …

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