When you supply your personal details to this clinic they are stored and processed for 2 reasons:
- Provided we have your consent we would like to contact you in order to confirm your
appointments with us or to update you on matters related to your medical care. Under
GDPR this is known as ‘Legitimate Interest’. - Again, provided we have your consent, we may occasionally send you general health
information in the form of articles or newsletters. This, too, constitutes ‘Legitimate Interest’
under the GDPR.
We have a legal obligation to retain your records for 8 years after your most recent appointment (or age 25, if this is longer), but after this period you can ask us to delete your records if you wish.
Otherwise, we will retain your records indefinitely in order that we can provide you with the best
possible care should you need to see us as some future date.
Your records are stored:
On paper, in locked cupboards, with access limited to reception personnel and relevant practitioners.
On our office computer, which is password protected with access limited to reception personnel and
relevant practitioners.
We will never share your data with anyone who does not need access without your consent