Hello, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Carina and I’m a therapist at the Natural Health Centre in Woodbridge.
I’m an energy therapist and I offer treatments to support women who wish to strengthen self-belief, develop their intuition, develop their confidence and be their true confident selves through managing the stresses and changes and challenges in life.
I do this through the balancing energy of Reiki, Crystal Therapy and Flower Essence Therapy.
You can book with me at the Natural Health Centre in Woodbridge on Fridays and also on various Saturdays. If you feel this could help you, contact me through the Health Centre for more details and I’ll be happy to give you more information about the treatments that I offer.
Please call 01394 380580 or email info@nhcwoodbridge.co.uk
#reiki #floweressencetherapy #crystalhealing #womensupportingwomen