Life Coach

A thought-provoking and creative process that unlocks your potential

Jamie Symons
Professional Coach (International Coach Federation)
Integral Development Coach ( New Ventures West)

Personal development coaching is a wonderful opportunity to identify and tackle issues that are difficult to address on your own.

Examples of some coaching topics

  • Lack of confidence
  • Stress
  • Feeling Stuck
  • Lack of direction

I help my clients break through the obstacles that seem to be holding them back in life. Life’s too short to be unhappy, unsure, or unfulfilled. Let me help you learn and develop better ways to handle the issues that are standing in the way of your goals..

My role as a coach is to support you in your development and help you respond more skilfully to the challenges and opportunities of work and life.

​The coaching relationship is a partnership. The relationship is based on real presence and complete trust with each other. We hold each other accountable and work together in setting and achieving your goals. This is done by creating a tailor made coaching programme unique to you and your needs.

​A coaching programme lasts between 3 – 6 months, meeting every 3 weeks.​

Between the sessions you will be given practices to take up which are designed to help develop new awareness around your coaching topic.

Let’s see if we can work together, and what we may achieve. Contact me today for a free no strings conversation.

Woodbridge, Suffolk, UK, 07985119775 


MidLife Coach For Women with Suzy Rose

Discover who you are, what you’re made of, and how amazing your life can be. As a woman you may have spent the best part of your life so far looking after others’ needs and putting your own on hold. Perhaps you are yearning to focus the attention back on yourself now and feel deserving of a new and exciting life.

  • Make more time to nourish yourself, to think, reflect and make different life choices

  • Do more of what you love and serves you well 

  • Choose a healthy lifestyle 

  • Enjoy more peace, fun and laughter

  • Let go of emotions of guilt or regret

If you feel ready to fully dedicate yourself to a journey of Growth and Self Discovery then I am here and fully committed to helping you achieve that.

Suzy Rose

Professional Qualifications.

Occupational Health Advisor (OHNC Charing Cross Hospital 1984)

Passion Centred Life Coach and Mentor – (Enlightened Alliances 2008)

Hypnotherapist (Cara -Centre For Transformational Learning 2019)

Yoga Teacher 500 hour Certificate (Ruth White Yoga School 2004)

Mindfulness Guide (Basic MBSR Programme The Mindfulness Project 2015)

Why choose me?

I have spent my entire working life in the Health and Well-being profession. My career began as an Occupational Health Advisor, caring for the overall well-being of people at work. I discovered Yoga at a time when I was feeling stressed in my own life, juggling work and life with small children as a single parent. Feeling deeply nourished by the holistic effect of Yoga on me, I trained as a Yoga Teacher and consequently studied Mindfulness. I have been teaching both for the past 20 years. During this time, I also followed my heart and became more and more curious about human behaviour and what makes us truly happy and adventurous in life. I studied different modalities of mental and emotional well-being, which included Transpersonal Psychotherapy, Life Coaching and Hypnotherapy. I use the integration of different modalities to help my clients find a more passionate and fulfilling life as I have done over the years.

What prevents us from living a full and passionate life?

Among many others reasons, these may be some of the more common ones :

  • Not knowing what we want

  • Loss of self confidence

  • Fear of the unknown

  • Fear of change

  • Struggling to find work/life balance

  • Sudden change in life or our circumstances

  • Health challenges

I begin working with you by helping you to identify your innermost desires. As time goes on and we become caught up with life’s demands on us, we find we gradually let go of what truly drives us, our deepest passions and joy of life.

The initial 2 Session Insight Programme gives you just that, a Deeper Insight into what is holding you back from living your best life and how to make some small, fundamental adjustment to steer you in the direction of what you truly want.

One-One Coaching with me will give you the time and space you desperately need to reconnect with yourself and become fired up again about your own life. You will get your courage back and recognise your many gifts and talents. You will start to value yourself for all that you are now. You will be able to prioritise your own needs, whilst still maintaining healthy relationships with all those you love and cherish around you. You will learn how to reset healthy boundaries for yourself and communicate your needs more positively and assertively.

For more information, to Book a 20 minute Free Consultation please visit my website .

Or simply get in touch with me :

E-mail –

Tele – 07961462609

Woodbridge, Suffolk