February can be a tough month, the signs of Spring slow to emerge and not much to look forward to. But there are brighter days and there are the first bulbs appearing and buds on branches. If you hit into a low mood it can help to practise mindfulness, to see what there is in this moment that is positive. If what you notice is bleak, that is ok too. Awareness can bring acceptance of difficulty rather than our usual fight against it.
Mindfulness helps me stay grounded, rooted in the present moment and less susceptible to the whirlwind of outside events. It helps me stay connected to the beautiful countryside, to be in my body in this moment and, as a psychotherapist, to be fully present with the client in the room.
The term ‘mindfulness’ has become a fashionable concept. A term that I first heard in a Buddhist monastery is now used in business, schools, even advertising… But what is its essence and how can we incorporate in our lives?
I challenge you to do this: to close your eyes for 30 seconds and notice how your body feels, your mind, your emotions. Notice how they are not separate from each other. Notice your thoughts coming and going. Don’t get hooked in, just notice, just be aware. That is mindfulness.
In Core Process Psychotherapy both therapist and client are engaged in a joint healing process where an awareness of the body, its feelings, and the content and states of mind that arise, are used to explore who we are and what makes us suffer. The therapist is there to help facilitate awareness in each moment. We need to be fully present to the immediacy of our inner and outer experience to allow healing and an inner peace to arise.
If you would like to know more visit www.psychotherapyinsuffolk.com
Susannah Brindle