Bouncing Back

As the vaccines get rolled out and lockdown restrictions are slowly being eased the words Bouncing Back can be heard in many areas of life, from Government to businesses to individual wellbeing.

I have an issue with this. My issue is, for a ball to bounce back it needs a solid surface to bounce off,.. nothing seems solid or certain at the moment.

We are currently in a period of extreme uncertainty, which can be a very uncomfortable place to be in. Many of us are experiencing its impact on different areas of our lives, leading to stress and anxiety.

Change and uncertainty are all part of life, and we all respond differently to it. Studies have shown that those who are intolerant and less adaptable to change are prone to developing common mental health problems like depression and anxiety. It is important to look after yourself, especially your mental well-being, to better cope, bounce back, and help you stay well.

Below are a few ideas of how you can begin to support yourself and cope with the uncertainty of not really knowing.

Create a bit of structure
Developing and maintaining structure and routines are antidotes to chaos and confusion, they also help to streamline your workday and limit anxiety. Having several daily goals for your workday can help you stay grounded and focused. A task to-do list can create a sense of accomplishment, generate positive emotions, and even tackle seemingly mundane tasks.

Practise mindfulness and relaxation
During this time, it is very easy to start thinking of the worst-case scenario. The best thing you can do is stay present in the moment and practise relaxation to problem solve and make rational decisions. Help to cultivate awareness, help to identify awareness to what is happening around us in the present. Through observing thoughts and feelings, to develop an attitude that is non-judgemental but curious and kind.

Look after yourself physically
Exercise is important, but so is getting a good night’s sleep and eating healthy. Exercise isn’t just crucial for the body; it helps settle your emotions as well. Set some time aside each day to fit in some exercise. Being active creates endorphins, which act in the brain to relieve stress and promote feelings of well-being.

Use the great outdoors
If there is one thing that we have learnt from the lockdowns it is to appreciate a good walk. We are so lucky in Suffolk to have such beautiful countryside surrounding us. Make sure you schedule some time each day to have an environmental recharge.

Use others
Sharing your experiences, talking things through with others helps in many ways. You are able to let out feelings that are bubbling inside. You are able to share different perspectives. If you can cultivate your ability to really listen to others as well, then you are not only helping others, but helping yourself by being truly present.

Be thankful
Showing appreciation will help you have a positive outlook during times when you may feel out of control, boost your mood and help you to feel motivated. Do not forget all of the past moments in life where you could get through difficult situations you may have thought you could never get through.

Becoming resilient is not just about bouncing back – it’s about becoming tougher and better equipped for the next challenge. Challenges happen in everyone’s life, but how you view these experiences can make a big difference in how well you feel when you come out on the other side.

Jamie Symons – Accredited Coach

Personal Development and Executive Coach