Sarah Sharman has over 14 years experience & has worked in care homes & the hospital & care homes, treating people with diabetes over the years & looks forward to treating you …
She explains her roll as a FHP – a Foot Health Practitioner …
“ What is a foot health professional/ practitioner ?
The term was first introduced in 2002 with FHPs doing similar training to the previously titled ‘Non State Registered Chiropodist’.
FHPs can cut toenails, fingernails, reduce thickened nails, remove corns and hard skin etc. Most FHPs undergo extensive training and regularly complete CPD courses (Continuous Professional Development) to ensure their knowledge is up to date. This is a requirement for their professional membership and insurance.
They will take a medical history and use sterilised instruments for each patient. They can offer advice about various problems related to the foot and lower leg like fungal conditions and verruca’s and some even offer nail reconstruction and other more cosmetic services.
While some FHPs exclusively work from clinics, others offer a convenient visiting service for those who are unable to drive or have limited mobility. Additionally, some FHPs provide their services in Nursing Homes, Hospitals, or Hospices.
Occasionally, FHPs may encounter cases that are beyond their scope of practice and will then recommend a referral to another medical professional such as a Podiatrist, Dermatologist, or the Diabetes or District Nursing Teams. This is often done through a GP.
If you intend to make a claim on a Private Health Insurance Policy, it may be necessary to seek treatment from a private HCPC registered Podiatrist/Chiropodist.”
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